Senior Consultants

About Merril Diniz – Consultant Editor

Merril DinizMerril Diniz is a dynamic freelance writer, blogger, and digital interview host known for her versatility and ability to connect the dots. Her keen understanding of tech-driven B2B and B2C sectors such as fintech, HR tech, EdTech, and health tech, to name a few, enables her to build value-based longform marketing content ranging from articles, blogs and thought leadership pieces to press materials, webinar scripts, and branded content.

Her byline work for the platform Baely weaves the theme of money and its intersection in intimate relationships. She thrives in one-off projects – from coffee table books and developmental agency content, and community building.

Merril is a member of the WICCI – Financial Literacy & Management Council, for which she hosts a captivating #Instalive series that unlocks women’s financial journeys. She also contributed a chapter on financial abuse in the book “Know Your Finances”, brought out by the WICCI Fin Lit, in partnership with the Research Foundation of India.

Her blogs, “MsTress Of Moolah” (Women & Money) and “The Conscious Way” (sustainable lifestyles), showcase her profound expertise and passion for issues she cares about.

Merril’s unique strengths lie in her ability to simplify complex marketing and business concepts, her grasp of socio-economic issues, and familiarity with domains such as personal finance, tech, entrepreneurship, education, sustainability, and digital marketing.

With a 20-year background in communications and editorial roles, Merril transitioned into freelance work in 2022, bringing unparalleled insights into today’s writing landscape. Connect with her to spark impactful conversations and harness the power of her words for your brand or project.

About Hemant Yayavar – Team Lead, Hindi Translations

Hemant Yayavar, Team Lead, Translationsहेमंत यायावर अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी अनुवादक हैं। लगभग 22 वर्षों से वह पीआर इंडस्ट्री को सेवाएं देते आ रहे हैं। उनके काम में मुख्यतः अंग्रेज़ी की प्रेस विज्ञप्तियों और अखबारों/पत्रिकाओं में प्रकाशित होने वाले लेखों का अनुवाद करना शामिल है। हेमंत बच्चों व किशोरों के लिए कहानियां भी लिख चुके हैं। साहित्य, संगीत, सिनेमा में रुचि रखने वाले हेमंत ने कुछ वर्ष तक बतौर रेडियो प्रस्तोता आकाशवाणी के एफ.एम. रेनबो पर ज़ीरो ऑवर शो, आराधना आदि कार्यक्रम भी प्रस्तुत किए हैं; थोड़ा सा अनुभव थिएटर का भी रहा है।