Who is to Blame? Unseen Pressure: Beyond Grades and Bookworms

Who is to Blame? Unseen Pressure: Beyond Grades and Bookworms

In the bustling cities and towns of India, a relentless race unfolds as the board exams for classes ten and twelve approaches. The pursuit of high grades and the desire to shape bookworms are fervently encouraged by some parents, unintentionally exerting immense pressure on other families. This practice, though well-intentioned, can have devastating consequences. In this narrative, we delve into the lives of various children across India, listening to their voices, and shedding light on the dark shadows cast by the prevailing obsession with grades.

Scene 1: The Weight of Expectations

Sitting in her dimly lit room, tears welling up in her eyes, Ria shares her story. “My parents expect me to be a top scorer. They compare me to my classmates and relatives, emphasizing the importance of grades above all else. It feels like my worth is determined solely by my academic performance.”

Scene 2: The Race for Perfection

In a bustling city, Varun takes a deep breath before sharing his thoughts. “Every day, I feel the weight of expectations on my shoulders. My parents believe that achieving high grades guarantees a successful future. It’s as if my entire life depends on these exams, but I don’t want to be reduced to just a scorecard.”

Scene 3: The Silent Struggles

Deepika, a bright and cheerful girl, silently battles her inner demons. “I used to love learning, but now it feels like a constant race against time. The pressure to excel is suffocating. I find myself questioning my worth whenever I stumble, afraid that I’ll disappoint my parents.”

Scene 4: The Price of Success

Rahul, with a heavy heart, recounts his experience. “My parents push me relentlessly, expecting perfection. The fear of failure consumes me. I can’t sleep, and anxiety grips me, suffocating my dreams. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s all worth it.”

Scene 5: The Dark Shadows

The haunting story of Karishma emerges. Her voice trembling, she reveals, “I saw my best friend, Aman, buckle under the pressure. The constant comparison, the overwhelming expectations—it all became too much for him. He took his own life, leaving us shattered, questioning the price we pay for grades.”

Scene 6: Embracing a Different Path

A glimmer of hope emerges through the voice of Ayesha. “After a long struggle, I convinced my parents that happiness and well-being matter more than grades. They finally understood that knowledge and personal growth define success. Today, I’m pursuing my passion, and I couldn’t be happier.”


The stories of Ria, Varun, Deepika, Rahul, Karishma, and Ayesha are not isolated incidents. They represent the silent struggles faced by countless children in India’s education system. It is time to reflect on the unintended consequences of creating a generation solely focused on grades. The pursuit of knowledge, creativity, and personal growth should take precedence over the pressure of being a bookworm or a grade earner.

In this narrative, we’ve witnessed the chilling effects that this obsession can have, pushing some children to the brink of despair. Are we doing this? Or is the peer pressure making us do this to our own and beyond? We need to have THE THINK POT inside to analyse the same. The mirror is the best judge, isn’t it?

Let us embrace a future where holistic education, well-being, and happiness are valued above arbitrary measures of success. It’s time to remind ourselves that a bright and cheerful future is not defined by grades alone but by the knowledge, curiosity, and joy that our children possess.