Did You Know Regular Consumption of Green Tea Can Cause Anaemia?

Green tea has long been touted as a miracle beverage, with numerous health benefits attributed to its consumption. Among these benefits, weight loss is often hailed as one of the most significant. While it’s true that green tea can play a role in promoting weight loss, it’s important to understand that it cannot replace exercise.

In this news piece backed by doctors’ interviews, we will explore the potentially harmful effects of relying solely on green tea for weight loss and why it should be seen as a complementary, not a substitute, for physical activity.

Understanding Green Tea’s Weight Loss Properties

Before we explore the limitations of green tea, it’s essential to understand its weight loss properties. Green tea contains bioactive compounds, such as catechins and caffeine, which are believed to boost metabolism and aid in fat burning. These compounds have been the subject of numerous studies, some of which have shown modest weight loss benefits. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that the effects of green tea on weight loss are relatively mild and vary from person to person. Moreover, the scientific consensus is that green tea alone is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss, especially when not combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Harmful Effects of Overconsumption/ Regular Consumption

We spoke to Dr Ashima Chandra, a renowned Senior Physician from Mumbai. She has researched a lot on weight loss and the new-age fads, that are causing more harm in people due to the varied impacts of Social Media. And she shares some very crucial points below, which are the side effects of Green Tea consumption. The top of it all is ANAEMIA or LACK OF IRON or to call in simpler words, low Hemoglobin in your blood.

The Risk of Anaemia

The major and most harmful effect associated with excessive green tea consumption is the risk of Anaemia. Anaemia is a condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or a reduced ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. Here’s how green tea can contribute to this condition:

Iron Absorption Interference: Green tea contains compounds called tannins, which are known to inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron (the type of iron found in plant-based foods) from the diet. When consumed in large quantities, these tannins can hinder the body’s ability to absorb iron effectively. Iron is crucial for the production of haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells responsible for oxygen transport.

Risk for Vegetarians and Vegans: This is particularly concerning for individuals who follow vegetarian or vegan diets, as their primary source of iron is often plant-based. Relying heavily on green tea while lacking other sources of iron-rich foods can increase the risk of iron deficiency anaemia.

Fatigue and Weakness: Anemia can result in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, paleness, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can make it challenging to engage in regular exercise, further emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet that includes adequate iron intake and, if necessary, iron supplementation.

To mitigate the risk of anaemia, it’s crucial for individuals who consume green tea regularly to pay attention to their dietary iron intake. Including iron-rich foods like legumes, fortified cereals, and leafy green vegetables in their diet can help offset the potential negative effects of green tea on iron absorption.

Other Harmful Effects of Regular Intake of Green Tea

Caffeine Sensitivity: Green tea contains caffeine, which can lead to problems for individuals who are sensitive to it. Excessive caffeine intake can cause anxiety, jitteriness, and even insomnia, making it difficult for people to maintain a regular exercise routine or get a good night’s sleep.

Digestive Issues: Some individuals may experience digestive problems, such as stomachaches, acid reflux, or diarrhoea when consuming green tea in excessive amounts. These issues can disrupt daily activities, including exercise.

Nutrient Imbalance: Relying solely on green tea for weight loss may result in an inadequate intake of essential nutrients. A well-balanced diet is crucial to support overall health and energy levels, which are necessary for effective exercise.

Reduced Muscle Mass: Green tea’s weight loss effects primarily target fat oxidation. However, exercise is essential for preserving and building muscle mass. Overemphasis on green tea without exercise may lead to muscle loss, which can slow down metabolism in the long run.

Disrupted Sleep Patterns: Excessive green tea consumption, particularly in the afternoon or evening, can disrupt sleep patterns due to its caffeine content. Poor sleep quality can hinder exercise performance and overall well-being.

The Importance of Exercise: Why Green Tea Cannot Compensate Exercise

Dr Shaunak Banerjee, a senior diabetologist writes to me from Canada, “Exercise plays a multifaceted role in weight management. It not only burns calories but also helps build muscle, improve metabolism, and promote overall physical and mental health. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine is essential for achieving sustainable and meaningful weight loss results. While green tea can be a helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle, it should not be relied upon as a sole weight loss agent. It is most effective when combined with a balanced diet and a regular exercise regimen. By working together, these elements can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight while promoting overall well-being.”

Summarising it all, green tea does offer some potential weight loss benefits, thanks to its bioactive compounds. However, it should not be viewed as a replacement for exercise.

To achieve meaningful and sustainable weight loss, it’s crucial to adopt a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Green tea can be a valuable addition to this regimen, but it should be consumed in moderation and as part of a broader strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Remember, there are no magic solutions to weight loss, and a well-rounded lifestyle is the key to success.

News Piece by Mahima Sharma

CAUTION: The above article has been done to alert the masses so that they do not go on consuming things, just by following advertisements or a fellow friend. Each human body is different from the other. Consult a medically qualified dietician before going ahead with any weight loss or any body revival therapy, even if it means just consuming natural products. 

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